Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Shakabuku- A swift kick to the head that alters your reality.....this line is from memory, hence the lack of proper punctuation. I had forgotten that one of my sisters and I (#2) used to quote Grosse Pointe Blank on almost a daily basis, until Hubby used this word to describe our decision to move the studio.

We've been talking about making a substantial change for about a year and even more seriously over the last 6 months. My side of the family is inherently nomadic and as a result, I get an itch to make a big change approximately every 3 years (as I write this I'm remembering a line from a Kurt Vonnegut book, maybe Hocus Pocus, where he says that by spelling out numbers, they loose their potency. I've always connected with that theory and will continue to apply it here). Mr. Wing has been an adult since the ripe old age of 5 and has moved about as he saw fit. Everywhere from Martha's Vineyard to Spain. Both of us daydream of selling off our belongings and living in a 500 sq/ft house on a large piece of land that's near water and not too hot. Ok, that's not true. We would keep our art supplies/equipment and the outdoor sporting paraphernalia and ditch the rest.

My point to all of this is that we aren't ready to take action on the traditional life changing events like buying a house, popping out kiddos, changing/quitting jobs or going to grad school, but we need something to make us adjust our perspective. We want creating to be a focal point in our lives and not have it be just something we squeeze in.
R. to the W. would say that it's because we aren't 'traditional' people and we need to find our own way. Love him.

The orange room has been home to my sewing studio since we moved here. This is also where Ryan's drawing table lives which is also know as 'the place where I put things that need to be pressed/assembled/sorted'. If you're thinking it's unfair that I get a studio and he has to unearth his desk to use it, you couldn't be more right. I admittedly have a project expanding problem and if there was a Slim Fast diet for such a thing, I would consider it.....briefly.

The Big Move!! Are you excited yet? We are!!
If we want creating to be a bigger part of our lives we need to embrace our crafty chub, let out our belts and watch it grow! Out with the couch and in with the sewing machine! *Our living room has relocated to the orange room and our COMBINED studios are in the biggest room of the house! If we ignore the fact that having company over will be tricky and our poor pup is riddled with anxiety, the move is going amazingly well.

I find it incredibly interesting that a concept so simple in origin can change everything. Here's to new projects and happier days!

More pics will be posted as design decisions are made because hey, who doesn't love before-and-after pics?!

"What is this feeling? Is it pain? Panic? Am I hungry, who's hungry?" GPB

*this was Mr.Wing's fantastic idea

-sj thinks you're great!


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