Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Birthday Buttons

It's Tuesday! This is our official studio and blog posting day. Just another step in trying to force ourselves to let go of the daily grind and embrace things we enjoy most. We usually have to trick ourselves into doing this. Most of the time, it's easier for us to do things for other people and not ourselves so we've worked around this by making things for each other. Well, for me it starts out that way and then I fall into my pattern of starting three projects simultaneously and then finishing them in order of their deadline. Surprisingly, this usually works.
I'm going to add here that it hasn't always worked and in one of my scrap books there is a list of things that people have asked me for that I've never finished. For example, in 2004, my dad requested a porcelain candle holder in the shape of a toilet that sits on the back of the toilet. Get it? Sorry Daddeo, still working on that one.

Sorting through this makes me feel infinitely better. I don't want to pick up the studio as it was (messy) and put it in a different place. As I'm sure you know, there is nothing more likely to deter you (this sounds like a collective 'you' but really I mean me) from making something than the thought of having to clean the space before using it. Tonight, I cleaned. I made piles and I sorted and as I did, I came across a little box of buttons I got for my birthday. Not this last birthday but the one just after I started sewing. It came from the partner of a good friend who passed away several years ago. If I remember it correctly, they were given to him by his grandmother...or aunt, I'm not certain. They are here and they're lovely.

Sewn to pieces of cardboard, I can hardly bring myself to use them. I know I will eventually but they will be saved for special projects and those will be lovely too.

On a less sentimental note, I also arranged my Sharpie's.

These were also a gift but I don't think they're vintage because they still work.

-sj thinks you're great!


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