Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Games We Play

For a few minutes at work today, I had the theme song to Rocky stuck in my head. This is a bit unusual because I've never watched these movies, but seeing as how it's such a classic, I could have picked it up from the radio or a commercial. It's understandable, only not how it got there.

While taking a road trip with SeƱor Wing this past weekend, he tried to explain the complete awesomeness that is Rocky IV, which I attempted to digest. He has always been incredibly vivid when describing movies/songs/books to me because he knows I miss many of the references. It usually goes something like this. "You know that movie we watched last year while we were on vacation? The one with the girl from Love Actually? No. The one we saw in the theater, not the hotel. You said you were cold and covered up with my rain coat? Yeah, that one. Well I was thinking that the guy who plays the older brother, who was the butler in the last movie we saw at Amie's house; looks just like the tall guy with the big forehead from Made, don't you think?" No joke. The whole time he goes through this process, he makes an effort to say something he knows I can relate to. His persistence and lack of frustration is quite impressive. Recently, I decided it's actually a game. It's gotten better, or I guess I've gotten better at remembering details. Now when he says, "no, it's one of the actors I don't like", I can quickly narrow it down to about 5 people. Aw, snap! Riding in the car, he summarizes the series in a few sentences (as only he can) and then acts out a fighting scene while humming the theme song. And there the tune stayed; dormant in my head until an unsuspecting moment where I'm sure I was actually trying to remember something important.

Ryan also plays a musical game when we are brushing our teeth or grocery shopping. I say HE plays because for 8-10 months, I didn't realize I was playing along. He walks by me all unsuspecting-like and hums a song. He doesn't say the words or even hum an entire verse, just enough. I will then have that song embedded in my head the entire day. When I come home and tell him about it, he just smiles and I know I've lost. In fact, I think the only way to win is to realize what he's doing when he starts. I've caught him a few times on songs I have minimal tolerance for. These songs include, but are not limited to anything by:

Gloria Estefan
Jimmy Buffet
The Little Spanish Flea
Friday by the YouTube girl

Other games in the Wing home include "Name the Mystery Ingredient", as I hand him a smoothie, "Guess what Shino Licked?" and "What Am I Saying?". The last one is also during teeth brushing; because I want to tell him something before I'm finished. It goes something like this: I start signing to him and do a pseudo-charades thing while he guesses and I froth at the mouth. "You need to go? No, you want me to go? No, Oh the dog, he's going? Oh, Could I let the dog out! Got it." An unconventional teaching method but he's picking up a lot of signs regardless.

Jewel Weed is my favorite plant. As fall gets closer, the little pods that extend off the branches become plump (I don't actually like that word but it's the most applicable) and when you pinch them gently, they pop open and startle you a bit. One of those things you know are coming but can't help but react to. I could pop these for hours and never get bored. I show these to the children in my life and they love playing too.

Words I love:

Pipette- squeezy thing in Chem.

Signs/Classifiers I Love (I'm glossing English words often used when interpreting these signs even though I'm not supposed to)

Let me know
Jaw hanging down
Food (this was subconscious. I didn't even notice it until I asked Ryan to proofread)
Visualize-big picture
Go to bed

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to brush my teeth and ask Ryan what time he plans to leave on Saturday.

Ryan-1 for 1
SJ- 0 for 2

-sj thinks you're great!
